Everything we know about what Luke Skywalker was up to after the Battle of Endor

Everything we know about what Luke Skywalker was up to after the Battle of Endor

I've done several articles in this series, looking at what some familiar Star Wars characters were up to in the years following the Battle of Endor, but today we get to the big one. What about Luke Skwalker? There's still much we don't know about what he was up to, but there's nonetheless still enough [...]

New Forces of Destiny short features Qi’ra from Solo: A Star Wars Story

New Forces of Destiny short features Qi’ra from Solo: A Star Wars Story

To coincide with the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story, last Friday the Disney Youtube channel uploaded a Forces of Destiny episode starring Qi'ra! Lucasfilm had already released the episodes from the second half of season two earlier this month, but only seven episodes were released, with one being withheld until the release of [...]

Star Wars releases cool new Forces of Destiny episodes from season two

Star Wars releases cool new Forces of Destiny episodes from season two

Star Wars Resistance is coming this fall as Lucasfilm's next animated show, but over the weekend the company released seven new shorts from the Forces of Destiny series as part of season two. In March we got the first eight episodes from season two, and now we've gotten the final seven episodes.  And like in [...]

New Forces of Destiny shorts feature some cool and significant Star Wars scenes

New Forces of Destiny shorts feature some cool and significant Star Wars scenes

Lucasfilm animation does some terrific work, as we've seen by the incredibly successful The Clone Wars and Rebels television shows.  Though those two shows have both wrapped up, and while there will be a future project(s) for Dave Filoni to focus on, Lucasfilm is currently producing short videos in the Forces of Destiny series. These [...]

Forces of Destiny short confirms fate of a few Star Wars Rebels characters

Forces of Destiny short confirms fate of a few Star Wars Rebels characters

Forces of Destiny is a newer Star Wars show that launched this summer that is made up of several different shorts, only a few minutes each, exploring further adventures of the female heroes of the Star Wars universe. It's included people like Rey, Leia, Padme, Ahsoka, Jyn, Sabine, and Hera, tracking them on miniature adventures. [...]