Recent Star Wars comic shows the first time Nien Nunb piloted the Millennium Falcon

Recent Star Wars comic shows the first time Nien Nunb piloted the Millennium Falcon

In Return of the Jedi, with Han Solo and Chewbacca leading the strike team on the forest moon of Endor, it was Lando Calrissian piloting the Millennium Falcon above the planet, leading an attack on the second Death Star. His co-pilot in flying the ship was Nien Nunb, a Sullustan smuggler who joined the Rebellion [...]

Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters: Lando Calrissian shows he’s a hero that’s right for the Rebellion in Star Wars #17

Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters: Lando Calrissian shows he’s a hero that’s right for the Rebellion in Star Wars #17

The War of the Bounty Hunters is nearing an end. As we enter the final month of this massive crossover story, Star Wars #17 takes a few moments to breathe and focus on Lando Calrissian: a character the others don't exactly trust at this point but who quickly is proving himself. This was an enjoyable [...]

Latest Star Wars: Galaxy of Adventures shorts explore Black Spire Outpost at Galaxy’s Edge!

Latest Star Wars: Galaxy of Adventures shorts explore Black Spire Outpost at Galaxy’s Edge!

The latest batch of Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures shorts were recently released, and like all the others, these are amazing. These three latest episodes are all set at Galaxy's Edge, at Black Spire Outpost on Batuu. So it's really cool how these short episodes are telling stories at Galaxy's Edge and about things that [...]

A cool Star Wars video identifies a number of the ships that arrive at the Battle of Exegol

A cool Star Wars video identifies a number of the ships that arrive at the Battle of Exegol

At the end of The Rise of Skywalker, when things look bleakest for Poe Dameron and the Resistance, Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca arrive on the Millennium Falcon with a massive fleet. This fleet was made up of normal people from across the galaxy who decided to heed the call and rise up to fight Palpatine's [...]

The top seven scenes The Rise of Skywalker novelization featured that weren’t in the film

The top seven scenes The Rise of Skywalker novelization featured that weren’t in the film

The Rise of Skywalker novelization was recently released, and author Rae Carson did an incredible job at capturing the film in writing, while adding tons of fun details, helpful insights, and exciting answers. It's a great read, and I highly recommend it. I'll be breaking down plenty of stuff from it in the coming days, [...]

Star Wars comic shows us what happened immediately after The Empire Strikes Back!

Star Wars comic shows us what happened immediately after The Empire Strikes Back!

For the last several years, the main Star Wars comic line has been filling in the time between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. This January, however, it rebooted by beginning to explore the period in-between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. In the first issue, written by Charles Soule [...]

What we learned from the new The Rise of Skywalker clip released in the Fortnite event!

What we learned from the new The Rise of Skywalker clip released in the Fortnite event!

On Saturday afternoon, Star Wars came to Fortnite with an event themed around the upcoming The Rise of Skywalker! You can read about the event here, which included appearances in-game from J.J. Abrams and the Millennium Falcon, as well as a voiceover from Palpatine. But perhaps most pertinent to our purposes was a brand new [...]

Breaking down some of the various TV spots for The Rise of Skywalker!

Breaking down some of the various TV spots for The Rise of Skywalker!

So far, I've been keeping up with the publicly released TV spots from Star Wars for the upcoming The Rise of Skywalker, but there have been plenty of official TV spots from the film that have aired that haven't been uploaded to the official Youtube channel. Thankfully, Zcure1 on Twitter does tremendous work and captures [...]

Breaking down the “Forever” TV spot for The Rise of Skywalker!

Breaking down the “Forever” TV spot for The Rise of Skywalker!

Recently, a new TV spot for The Rise of Skywalker was released, this one called "Forever", and it has a lot of new footage and dialogue. Check it out: As we've been doing, let's dive in to the new stuff from this TV spot and break it down. At the bottom of the article, [...]